Wednesday, July 9, 2014

14 Natural Mosquito Repellents

herbs for mosquito repellent
Did you know that some herbs and oils act as natural mosquito repellents?
Image: / Flickr CC
Did everyone have an enjoyable holiday weekend? I spent mine taking a few well-deserved days off and heading up to a secluded cabin to reunite with friends and family. As much as I love the city, there’s just something about isolation that is so refreshing from time to time. I grew up in a smaller city but spent much of my time outdoors listening to the birds, crickets, the wind rattling the sagebrush. Sometimes in the city, it’s hard to notice those things because there’s so much else going on.

One thing that I’m not fond of, however, is mosquitoes. How is it that these tiny annoying insects manage to reside en masse at all my vacation locations? Luckily, I don’t generally get eaten alive like some others do, but I did get a few bites over the weekend.

Did you know that there are a number of essential oils that act as natural mosquito repellent? They may not be quite as effective as rubbing 100% DEET on your skin, but they certainly eliminate many of the risks associated with DEET (and can safely be used on children – unlike anything more than 30% DEET). Next time you’re out in the woods, try using these oils as a way to naturally repel mosquitoes:
  1. Peppermint
  2. Citronella
  3. Clove
  4. Lemongrass
  5. Rosemary
  6. Tea Tree
  7. Cajeput
  8. Eucaliptus
  9. Cedar
  10. Catnip
  11. Lavender
  12. Mint
  13. Cinnamon
  14. Thyme
The above oils can be combined to your preference with ingredients like water and witch hazel to create mosquito repellent – try some of these recipes! Sometimes something as simple as burning a citronella candle or growing certain plants can help discourage mosquitos from hanging around.

How do you keep the mosquitos away?

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